Journal of  Electrical Engineering  Elektrotechnický časopis



For the referee’s convenience, the manuscript should be submitted as a neatly prepared PDF document with figures embedded in the text.

The extent of finalized typeset papers is limited to 10 pages, thus the submitted manuscripts should not be longer than about 15 pages. The number of figures and tables should be reasonably minimized.

To speed up the review process, it is recommended to propose up to four referees. They should not be of the same affiliation as the authors. Please send the names and email addresses of potential referees in a separate file, not in the manuscript itself. At least two favourable reviews are required for a paper to be considered for accepting.

The manuscript should be submitted to as an e-mail attachment.

Upon decision on accepting the manuscript, the author will receive instructions for preparation of the manuscript (style, sections, numbering, equations, units, figures, references, etc).

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