Publikácie v roku 2003
Časopisy | 1. | BOJNA I. Application of Residual Current Operated Circuits in Assemblies for Construction Sites EE - časopis pre elektrotechniku a energetiku, Vol. 9 3 (2003
) 40, in Slovak [100%] |
2. | BOJNA I. Connection Effectiveness of the Switchgear and Controlgear Assembly Exposed-Conductive-Parts to the Protective Circuits EE - časopis pre elektrotechniku a energetiku, Vol. 9 2 (2003
) 37, in Slovak [100%] |
3. | BOJNA I. Frequency or Oscillation? EE - časopis pre elektrotechniku a energetiku, Vol. 9 4 (2003
) 37, in Slovak [100%] |
4. | BOJNA I. Identification of Conductors by Colours or Numerals According to STN EN 60446 EE - časopis pre elektrotechniku a energetiku, Vol. 9 6 (2003
) 30-31, in Slovak [100%] |
5. | BOJNA I. Marking of Electrical Equipment with Ratings Related to Electrical Supply EE - časopis pre elektrotechniku a energetiku, Vol. 9 2 (2003
) 36, in Slovak [100%] |
6. | BOJNA I. New Slovak Technical Standards EE - časopis pre elektrotechniku a energetiku, Vol. 9 3 (2003
) 36-37, in Slovak [100%] |
7. | BOJNA I. New Electrical Standards of Class 33 EE - časopis pre elektrotechniku a energetiku, Vol. 9 1 (2003
) 38-39, in Slovak [100%] |
8. | BOJNA I. Switchgear and Controlgear Assemblies Schneider magazín, Vol. 4 1 (2003
) 11, in Slovak [100%] |
9. | BOJNA I. Touch Current in Electrical Installations and Electrical Equipment EE - časopis pre elektrotechniku a energetiku, Vol. 9 5 (2003
) 36-37, in Slovak [100%] |
10. | BOJNA I. Large or High EE - časopis pre elektrotechniku a energetiku, Vol. 9 1 (2003
) 43, in Slovak [100%] |
11. | BYDŽOVSKÝ J., JANČÁRIK V., KOLLÁR M., KRAUS L., ŠVEC P., UŠÁK E. Magnetoelastic Sensors for Civil Engineering and Geotechnology Acta Avionica, Vol. 5 8/s (2003
) 42-49, in Slovak [66%] |
12. | JANÍČEK F., JASENEK J., VAJDA J. Possibilities for the Study at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava EE - časopis pre elektrotechniku a energetiku, Vol. 9 Special Issue (2003
) 58-59, in Slovak [33%] |
13. | JASENEK J. Global Changes in Engineering Education Academia, Vol. 14 1 (2003
) 6-11, in Slovak [100%] |
14. | JASENEK J. The State of the Bologna Process Implementation in Some European Countries Spektrum, Vol. 9 5 (2003
) 2-4, in Slovak [100%] |
15. | KOLLÁR M. Improving the Linearity of an Analog Voltage-to-Period Converter Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 54 11-12 (2003
) 298-304, in English [100%] |
16. | KRAUS L., BYDŽOVSKÝ J., ŠVEC P. Continuous Stress Annealing of Amorphous Ribbons for Strain Sensing Applications Sensors and Actuators A, Vol. 106 (2003
) 117-120, in English [33%] |
17. | KRIVOŠÍK P., BYDŽOVSKÝ J., UŠÁK E. A New Approach to Modeling of Loss Separation in Grain-Oriented Fe-Si Laminations Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 254-255 (2003
) 198-200, in English [100%] |
18. | ORAVEC J. Boundary Rise Times of Radar Switches Trigger Circuits with a Shock Wave EE - časopis pre elektrotechniku a energetiku, Vol. 9 3 (2003
) 6-7, 45, in Slovak [100%] |
19. | ORAVEC J. Parametrized Calculation and Grainful Design of Homogeneous Coaxial Lines Using NiZn Ferrite Types Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 54 11-12 (2003
) 320-323, in English [100%] |
20. | SLÁMA J., DOSOUDIL R., VÍCEN R., GRUSKOVÁ A., OLAH V., HUDEC I., UŠÁK, E. Frequency Dispersion of Permeability in Ferrite Polymer Composites Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 254-255 (2003
) 195-197, in English [42%] |
21. | SLÁMA J., GRUSKOVÁ A., VÍCEN R., VÍCENOVÁ S., DOSOUDIL R., FRANEK J. Composite Material with Substituted Li Ferrite for High-Frequency Applications Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 254-255 (2003
) 642-645, in English [50%] |
22. | VALKO L., BUČEK P., DOSOUDIL R., UŠÁKOVÁ M. Magnetic Properties of Ferrite-Polymer Composites Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 54 3-4 (2003
) 100-103, in English [50%] |
Zborníky konferencií | 1. | BOJNA I. Electrical Installations of Buildings - Wiring Systems Requirements 19th Meeting of Slovak Inspectors and Electrical Engineers : Poprad, Slovak Republic, 11.-12.11., (2003
) 64-70, in Slovak [100%] |
2. | BOJNA I. Legislation and Standards in Electrical Engineering 19th Meeting of Slovak Inspectors and Electrical Engineers : Poprad, Slovak Republic, 11.-12.11., (2003
) 52-63, in Slovak [100%] |
3. | BOJNA I. New Standards in Electrical Engineering 2002 11th Meeting "Safety of Works on Electrical Engineering" : Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovak Republic, 20.2., (2003
) 5-12, in Slovak [100%] |
4. | BOJNA I. New Technical Standards in Electrical Engineering 18th Meeting of Slovak Electrical Engineers : Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 26.-27.3., (2003
) 81-92, in Slovak [100%] |
5. | BOJNA I. Protection against Electric Shock in Distribution and Transmission system 31st Meeting of Slovak Inspectors and Electrical Engineers : Žilina, Slovak Republic, Oct., (2003
) 10-18, in Slovak [100%] |
6. | BOJNA I. Protection Against Electric Shock in Distribution Electrical Installations According to PNE 33 200-1 Colloquium " Electrical Installations and Equipment" : Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 30.9., (2003
) 38-48, in Slovak [100%] |
7. | BOJNA I. Practical Applications of Residual Current Operated Circuit Breakers in House and Industrial Installations 19th Meeting of Slovak Inspectors and Electrical Engineers : Poprad, Slovak Republic, 11.-12.11., (2003
) 36-45, in Slovak [100%] |
8. | BOJNA I. Verification and Checking of Electrical Appliances during Use According to STN 33 1610 Colloquium " Electrical Installations and Equipment" : Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 30.9., (2003
) 32-37, in Slovak [100%] |
9. | BOJNA I. Some Problems of TN-Networks 18th Meeting of Slovak Electrical Engineers : Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 26.-27.3, (2003
) 93-102, in Slovak [100%] |
10. | BOŽEK R., ŠUMICHRAST Ľ. Ill-Conditioning of the ADI-FDTF and the SVE ADI-FDTD Method 48th International Scientific Colloquium : Ilmenau, Germany, 22.-25.9., (2003
) 341-342, in English [50%] |
11. | BOŽEK R., ŠUMICHRAST Ľ. Transparent Boundary Conditions for the "Wide-Angle" Beam Propagation Method 12th International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering : Warsaw, Poland, 6.-9.7., (2003
) 349-352, in English [50%] |
12. | BYDŽOVSKÝ J., JANČÁRIK V., KOLLÁR M., KRAUS L., ŠVEC P., UŠÁK E. Design and Testing of Magnetoelastic Strain Sensors for Outdoor Application 16th Conference "Soft Magnetic Materials" : Düsseldorf, Germany, 9.-12.9., (2003
) T6-02, in English [66%] |
13. | FENDRYCH F., KRAUS L., ZAVETA K., BYDŽOVSKÝ J., ŠVEC P. Domain Structures and Magneto-Elastic Hysteresis of Amorphous Ribbon 16th Conference "Soft Magnetic Materials" : Düsseldorf, Germany, 9.-12.9., (2003
) T4-12, in English [20%] |
14. | FRANEK J., BOJNA I. Mechanical Forces Analysis in Electrostatical Field of the Plate Capacitor 6th International Conference on Advanced Methods in the Theory of Electrical Engineering : Pilsen, Czech Republic, 10.-12.9., (2003
) F9-12, in English [100%] |
15. | GRUSKOVÁ A., LIPKA J., PAPÁNOVÁ M., KEVICKÁ D., GONZÁLEZ A., TÓTH I., SLÁMA J. Mössbauer Study of Microstructure and Magnetic Properties (Co, Ni)-Zr Substituted Ba Ferrite Particles International Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect : Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 21.-25.9., (2003
) T3/21, in English [14%] |
16. | GRUSKOVÁ A., SLÁMA J., PAPÁNOVÁ M., KEVICKÁ D., JANČÁRIK V., DOSOUDIL R., GONZÁLEZ, ANGELES A., MENDOZA, SUÁREZ G., LIPKA J., UŠÁKOVÁ M. Ni-Sn Substituted Barium Hexaferrite Prepared by Precursor and Mechanical Alloying Method 16th Conference "Soft Magnetic Materials" : Düsseldorf, Germany, 9.-12.9., (2003
) T5-05, in English [33%] |
17. | JASENEK J. Polarization Optical Time-Domain Reflecometry as an Efficient Tool for Polarization Mode Dispersion Measurement 13th International Travelling Summer School on Microwaves & Lightwaves 2003 : Darmstadt, Germany, 12.-17.7., (2003
) , in English [100%] |
18. | JASENEK J., HLAVÁČ M. The Use of Polarization Optical Reflectometry for Sensoric Purposes Conference "Optical Communications 2003" : Prague, Czech Republic, 21.-22.10., (2003
) 57-64, in Slovak [100%] |
19. | KOLLÁR M., JANČÁRIK V., BYDŽOVSKÝ J. Influence of Substrate on Magneto-Elastic Sensor Transfer Characteristics 6th International Conference on Advanced Methods in the Theory of Electrical Engineering : Pilsen, Czech Republic, 10.-12.9., (2003
) C01-4, in English [100%] |
20. | PAĽA J. Computer Controlled System for Magnetic Measurements 6th Scientific Conference on Electrical Engineering & Information Technology for PhD. Students : Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 25.11., (2003
) 45-47, in English [100%] |
21. | PAĽA J., BYDŽOVSKÝ J. Determination of Structural Changes by Barkhausen Noise Analysis 6th International Conference on Advanced Methods in the Theory of Electrical Engineering : Pilsen, Czech Republic, 10.-12.9., (2003
) C13-16, in English [100%] |
22. | SLÁMA J., DOSOUDIL R., UŠÁKOVÁ M., GRUSKOVÁ A., OLAH V., PAPÁNOVÁ, M., HUDEC I. Modification of Electromagnetic Properties of Magnetopolymer Composites 16th Conference "Soft Magnetic Materials" : Düsseldorf, Germany, 9.-12.9., (2003
) T5-15, in English [57%] |
23. | SLÁMA J., GRUSKOVÁ A., KEVICKÁ D., PAPÁNOVÁ M., JANČÁRIK V., DOSOUDIL R., MENDOZA, SUÁREZ G., GONZÁLEZ, ANGELES A. Magnetic Properties of Selected Ions Doped M-Type Barium Ferrite 16th Conference "Soft Magnetic Materials" : Düsseldorf, Germany, 9.-12.9., (2003
) T5-14, in English [30%] |
24. | SLÁMA J., GRUSKOVÁ A., PAPÁNOVÁ M., KEVICKÁ D., GONZÁLEZ, ANGELES A., MENDOZA, SUÁREZ G. Magnetic Properties of (Zr-Me) Substituted Ba-Hexaferrite International Conference on Magnetism : Rome, Italy, 27.7.-1.8., (2003
) 201, in English [12%] |
25. | ŠUMICHRAST Ľ. Fundamentals of the Optical Waveguide Theory 13th International Travelling Summer School on Microwaves & Lightwaves 2003 : Darmstadt, Germany, 12.-17.7., (2003
) , in English [100%] |
26. | ŠUMICHRAST Ľ., BOŽEK R. Comparison of the Numerical Power Amplification / Attenuation Due to Illconditioning in the ADI-FDTD and the SVE-ADI-FDTD Method 17th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications : Dubrovnik, Croatia, 1.-3.10., (2003
) 270-273, in English [50%] |
27. | ŠUMICHRAST Ľ., BOŽEK R. On the Use of the Fourier Transform in Ill-Conditioned Problems 6th International Conference on Advanced Methods in the Theory of Electrical Engineering : Pilsen, Czech Republic, 10.-12.9., (2003
) B65-70, in English [50%] |
28. | UŠÁKOVÁ M., DOSOUDIL R., JANČÁRIK V., ČERVEŇ I., KEVICKÁ D. Investigation of Structural and Magnetic Parameters of NiZn Ferrites 8th International Conference "Technology 2003" : Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 9.-10.9., (2003
) , in Slovak [60%] |
29. | ZENTNER, PILINSKY S., ŠIPUŠ Z., ŠUMICHRAST Ľ. Computer Modeling of High Bit Rate Optical Links Conference EUROCON 2003 : Ljubljana, Slovenia, 22.-24.9., (2003
) 193-197, in English [25%] |
30. | ZENTNER, PILINSKY S., ŠIPUŠ Z., ŠUMICHRAST Ľ. Modeling of Optical Link Using Finite-Differential Method 7th International Conference on Telecommunications ConTEL 2003 : Zagreb, Croatia, 11.-13.6., (2003
) 383-388, in English [25%] |
31. | ZENTNER, PILINSKY S., ŠIPUŠ Z., ŠUMICHRAST Ľ. On Accuracy of Finite-Difference Method in Optical Pulse Propagation Modeling 17th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications : Dubrovnik, Croatia, 1.-3.10., (2003
) 274-277, in English [25%] |
Iné | 1. | JASENEK J., JURIŠICA L., TURÁN J., HRABOVCOVÁ V. Slovak Higher Education System in EIE Disciplines Towards the Harmonisation of Electrical and Information Engineering Education in Europe. - Lisboa: Instituto Superior Técnico, (2003
) 176-182, in English [25%] |
2. | UŠÁK E. Evaluation of AC Losses in High-Tc Superconductors Using Fourier Analysis Biennial report 2001-2002. - Bratislava: IEE SAS, (2003
) 135-136, in English [100%] |
3. | FRANEK J., JAHN P., SLÁMA J. Part of Entries Encyclopedia Beliana. Slovak General Encyclopedia. - Bratislava: SAV, Vol. 3 (2003
) , in Slovak [66%] |
4. | BOJNA I. Safety of Electrical Installations Textbook for Professional Examination according to the Notice 718/2002 Z.z. - Bratislava: FEI STU, (2003
) , in Slovak [100%] |
5. | BOJNA I., KLUCH K., MEDŇANSKÝ M. Commentary to the PNE 33 2000-1. Bratislava: FEI STU, (2003
) , in Slovak [33%] |
6. | BOJNA I., DÚŽEK I., ŠTENCHLÁK V., SUROVÝ P., KLUCH K., HUDÁK D., MEDŇANSKÝ M., VYSKOČ J., NÉMETH T. Protection Against Electric Shock in Transmission and Distribution Network Patent issued: No. PNE 33-200-1., (2003
) , in Slovak [11%] |
Aktualizované: 27.9.2005 |
Copyright © 2007 Katedra teoretickej a experimentálnej elektrotechniky, FEI STU Bratislava |