Arantza Antón - Eugenio V. Bonet - Dave de Vries - Sonia H. de Groot
This work highlights the design of the transmitter part of a flexible
and high-speed architecture for processing the ATM Adaptation Layer
(AAL) protocols that have been standardised up to now (AAL1, AAL3/4
and AAL5). The proposed architecture adopts as a starting point the
scaleable architecture for AAL type 5 presented in previous papers.
In the extended architecture, we can find new blocks as well as some
modifications in a few of the existing blocks in order to perform
the functions required for AAL type 1 and 3/4 protocols. Special
attention is given to the hardware implementation of the more critical
parts of the initial AAL5 architecture like the segmentation, ATM cell
builder and a low level interface with the ATM layer. VHDL has been used
in the descriptions of the blocks and SYNOPSYS in the synthesis process.
Keywords: ATN sender, AAL, high speed, segmentation, VHDL