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   FEI STU Bratislava    deGruyter-Sciendo


[2, 2022] 

Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol 73, 2 (2022) 146-151,

Influence of temperature on detectable minimum rotation rate
in i-FOGs using Er-doped SFSs

Emirhan Sağ – Abdurrahman Günday – Güneş Yılmaz

   In this study, an interferometric fiber optic gyroscope (I-FOG) model exploiting the double-pass backward (DPB) erbium-doped superfluorescent fiber source (SFS) with both thin-film filter (TFF) and fiber bragg grating (FBG) reflectors has been constructed and the effects of temperature variations on mean wavelength and detectable minimum rotation rate (DMRR) have been theoretically analyzed. the simulations corresponding with the relations between these parameters for temperature variations in the range of -60° to +90°, have been performed using Matlab 2021b. DMRR variations have been found as 6.01 ppm/K and 3.83 ppm/K for the system with TFF, whilst they are 15.31 ppm/K and 1.58 ppm/K for the system with FBG.

Keywords: interferometric fiber optic gyroscope, detectable minimum rotation rate, temperature, superfluorescant fiber sources, thin film filter, fiber Bragg grating


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