Design and optimization of 1× 2N Y-branch optical splitters for telecommunication applications
Stanislava Serečunová – Dana Seyringer – Heinz Seyringer – František Uherek
This paper presents the design and optimization of 1×2N Y-branch optical splitters for telecom applications A waveguide channel profile, used in the splitter design, is based on a standard silica-on-silicon material platform except for the lengths of the used Y-branches, design parameters such as port pitch between the waveguides and simulation parameters for all splitters were considered fixed. For every Y-branch splitter, insertion loss, non-uniformity, and background crosstalk are calculated. According to the minimum insertion loss and minimum non-uniformity, the optimum length for each Y-branch is determined. Finally, the individual Y-branches are cascade joined to design various Y-branch optical splitters, from 1×2 to 1×64.
Keywords: Y-branch splitter, optical properties, light propagation, telecommunication