Marek Repka
The original McEliece PKC proposal is interesting thanks to its resistance against all known attacks, even using quantum cryptanalysis, in an IND-CCA2 secure conversion. Here we present a generic implementation of the original McEliece PKC proposal, which provides test vectors (for all important intermediate results), and also in which a measurement tool for side-channel analysis is employed. To our best knowledge, this is the first such an implementation. This Calculator is valuable in implementation optimization, in further McEliece/Niederreiter like PKCs properties investigations, and also in teaching. Thanks to that, one can, for example, examine side-channel vulnerability of a certain implementation, or one can find out and test particular parameters of the cryptosystem in order to make them appropriate for an efficient hardware implementation. This implementation is available \cite{1} in executable binary format, and as a static C++ library, as well as in form of source codes, for Linux and Windows operating systems.
Keywords: post-quantum PKI, McEliece PKC, Niederreiter PKC, Patterson's algebraic decoding algorithm, binary irreducible Goppa codes, side-channel analysis