Jiří Tomek - Antonín Platil - Michal Janošek - Ondrej Pribula - Jan Fischer - Pavel Ripka
Magnetopneumography is a non-invasive method for estimation of amount and spatial distribution of ferromagnetic dusts depositedin lungs of metal workers. Our setup consisting of a set of fluxgate probes is sensitive enough to detect remanent fields of small amounts (<8 mg) of previously magnetized magnetite dust. Utilization of a smart camera and retro-reflective optical markers makes the scanning independent of operator’s errors and helps to scan the magnetic field independently of the actual subject body position on the bed. The bias caused by wrong positioning and inadvertent movement of the subject on scanning bed otherwise de-grades the data so that they are not suitable for inversion based on linear least-square optimization that we use. Methodology of po-sition reference based on multiple markers is under development. Modelled and phantom results of inversion of magnetic data are shown.
Keywords: magnetopneumography, fluxgate, gradiometer, inversion, smart camera