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   FEI STU Bratislava    deGruyter-Sciendo


[8s, 2006] 

Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol 57, 8s (2006) 29-32


Mária Zentková – Zdeněk Arnold – Matúš Mihalik – Marián Mihalik – Anton Zentko – Jiří Kamarád – Zuzana Mitróova – Slavomír Maťaš

   Two different methods were used to demonstrate that high pressure is a useful tool for investigation of magnetic properties. We report on the effect of high pressure on the ferromagnetic transition in PrNi single crystal. The Curie temperature was found to increase under pressure up to 0.9 GPa with a positive pressure coefficient ΔTc/Δp = 1 K/GPa. Such a behavior has been attributed to enhancement of ferromagnetic coupling between Pr ions in PrNi due to pressure induced instabilities of the crystal field singlet ground state of PrNi. The measurement was realized by transformer method. Additionally, the effect of pressure on magnetic properties of Cr3[Cr(CN)6]2 x 15 H2O has been studied by means of SQUID magnetometry. Observed increase of Curie temperature with the pressure coefficient ΔTc/Δp = 26 K/GPa can be explained by pressure induced increased overlapping of magnetic orbitals.

Keywords: hydrostatic pressure, Prussian blue analogues, intermetallic compound, ferromagnetism, ferrimagnetism


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