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   FEI STU Bratislava    deGruyter-Sciendo


[3, 2024] 

Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol 75, 3 (2024) 237-248,

Forecasting material quantity using machine learning and times series techniques

Hanane Zermane – Hassina Madjour – Ahcene Ziar – Abderrahim Zermane

   The current research is dedicated to harnessing cutting-edge technologies within the paradigm of Industry 5.0. The objective is to capitalize on advancements in Machine and Deep Learning techniques. This research endeavors to construct robust predictive models, utilizing historical data, for precise real-time predictions in estimating material quantities within a cement workshop. Machine Learning regressors evaluated based on several metrics, SVR (R-squared 0.9739, MAE 0.0403), Random Forest (R-squared 0.9990, MAE 0.0026), MLP (R-squared 0.9890, MAE 0.0255), Gradient Boosting (R-squared 0.9989, MAE 0.0042). The time series models LSTM and GRU yielded R-squared 0.9978, MAE 0.0100, and R-squared 0.9980, MAE 0.0099, respectively. The ultimate outcomes include improved and efficient production, optimization of production processes, streamlined operations, reduced downtime, mitigation of potential disruptions, and the facilitation of the factory’s evolution towards intelligent manufacturing processes embedded within the framework of Industry 5.0. These achievements underscore the potential impact of leveraging advanced machine learning techniques for enhancing the operational dynamics and overall efficiency of manufacturing facilities

Keywords: advanced technologies, intelligent manufacturing, smart manufacturing, forecasting, machine learning, time series


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